What is this obsession over Bohemian style in the festival culture? There’s neon EDM fests and head-banging metal rockfests, but the big ones like Glastonbury and Coachella are themed on a Bohemian atmosphere. Where did the idea come from and why is it so inviting to youngsters? The answer is: Woodstock!
Yes, it may have begun in circa ‘69, but the profound take on individuality and self-expression, as all kinds of music should be honed to, is what’s worth the modern adaptation - or let’s just call it the reawakening of a feeling.
Let the Festival Season Begin!
Just like how the Woodstock is feted in the hippie era, music fests today celebrate peace, freedom, and love. The music had evolved, but the festival costume is still inspired by the Bohemians. How they dress is a reflection of their carefree stance after all, so, if we’re trying to capture the organic feeling stirred by the early festivals, then might as well dress how they used to. Because admit it, there’s something liberating about wearing a maxi dress, fringe boots, and a leather boho bag. And it’s not just the lax aesthetics; it’s the Bohemian spirit being worn.
The music festival craze has created its own culture and following. It started with Woodstock’s introduction to a lifestyle; not just musicians playing, but a whole new culture for free spirits alike. The festival wardrobe became a canvas for fashionistas, but more than its mainstream appeal, it’s also your armor for the 12 hours or so in the open field. So, it shouldn’t just be pleasing to the eye, but also practical and functional.
The Bohemian Style
Festival sweethearts like Vanessa Hudgens, Alexa Chung, and Kylie and Kendal Jenner look fashionable, but also comfortable. They exemplify the spirit of Bohemia and still look phenomenal.
The most important thing to consider is comfort. If it’s uncomfortable, then it doesn’t go by the ideals of the bohemian style. There’s boho chic, rock boho chic, luxe grunge, street style and many other variations. Crop tops, ripped jeans, maxi dresses, warm jackets, jumpers, and denim shorts are worn for maximum movement. You need to be able to walk/run around the venue and dance to your heart’s extent, so a tight-fitting dress might not be a good idea.
Aside from sunglasses, the accessories department require more than just a cute purse. You’ll need a bigger boho bag to hold your festival essentials such as your retouch kit, gadgets, wallet, and water bottle. There’s different colors of boho bags, leather boho bags, fringe bags, boho crossbody bag, and other styles of bohemian bags that’ll amplify your look and carry your stuff for you.
Bohemian fashion and the festival culture will not fade away any time soon as fashion and music have always had a beautiful dynamic. As offsprings of art and literature, style and culture are also channels of expressing one’s unique taste. And we all know what the boho bag represents – the true Bohemian soul.